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The Best Christmas Adverts 2019

The Best Christmas Adverts 2019

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The Best Christmas Adverts 2019 There are many festive traditions to enjoy and in the Hire a Santa office, we like to keep a close eye on everything that happens over Christmas time. In fact, one of our festive traditions…

8 Of The Best Secret Santa Gifts

8 of The Best Secret Santa Gifts

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8 of The Best Secret Santa Gifts For some, it is a chance to flex their prowess at gift buying but for others, the annual Secret Santa is the stuff of nightmares. With a small budget and not much choice,…

Hire A Santa For Anything

Hire a Santa for… ANYTHING!

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Hire a Santa for… ANYTHING! The scent of Christmas is on the breeze. The bells can be heard gently jingling in the distance. The elves are stirring and the reindeer are readying themselves for their busiest night of the year.…